22 January 2007

Bolivia - Yungas, the mountain jungles

After our crazy mountain bike ride, we stopped in the town of Yolosa. My uncle Carlos has a small ranch in Yolosa, well technically it's another town, but just up the mountainside. Yolosa is now a sleepy town that only mountain bikers stop in, since the new paved road to Coroico doesn't stop here anymore. In truth, the bikers only stop to rest, grab a drink, and load the bikes onto the chase vans before heading up to Coroico, where they shower up in a hotel and have a nice meal.

At my uncle's ranch, we picked maracuyas (passionfruit?), mangos, and avocados. We foundso much that I carried a huge canvas back down the mountain to He's got a respectable amount of mountainside that's his ranch, and plants are growing everywhere due to the year-round warm weather and current rains. Despite so much fruit & vegetable growing, he doesn't bother to pick it and transport back to La Paz, as we learned no one can sell the produce profitably.

Our first night, we ate a delicious lechon, roasted small pig! That was the first time my uncle's mud/brick oven was used. Gerard is inspired to build one in our new home (yes that's a recent update). Also, Julie functioned as fairly effective mosquito attractant - they loved her! And fortunately lightened up on me, but I still left the Yungas with a lot of little red welts.

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